Information and Solutions for Men and Women

Treating Telogen Effluvium

There are many treatment options for telogen effluvium hair loss.

Telogen effluvium (TE) that occurs as a result of surgery, childbirth, or some other temporary condition or event is called acute telogen effluvium. Usually the hair loss will stop on its own and does not require additional treatment.(29134)

Sometimes episodes of diffuse hair loss occur again. This is called repetitive or chronic telogen effluvium. In these cases, identification and treatment of the underlying trigger or triggers is paramount to resolving hair loss.(29134)

Fortunately, many causes of TE are treatable. There are also a number of options that can help stimulate hair growth and/or improve hair health, replace, or at least improve the appearance of thinning hair:(29375098172)

It is also important to manage the stress and anxiety that are often associated with hair loss, especially since it can actually make alopecia worse.(30)

Combination Hair Loss

Sometimes telogen effluvium happens at the same time as hormone-related hair loss. With combined hair loss, drugs that inhibit 5α-reductase enzymes or block androgen hormones may be prescribed. Combined estrogen and hormone replacement therapies (those that do not increase androgen hormone levels) can help reverse TE.(202932)

Herbal remedies may also help in cases of combination hair loss. In one double-blind prospective study, patients were given either a topical herbal solution or minoxidil to use. The herbal formula contained natural 5α-reductase inhibitors and estrogenic herbs:(50179)

The herbal formula significantly reduced the duration of telogen effluvium in comparison to 2% minoxidil.(50179)

Hair Regrowth is Possible
Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed physician. If you require any medical related advice, contact your physician promptly. Information presented on this website is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard medical advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.
Urtica dioica.(50179)
Matricaria recutita.(179)
Thymus vulgaris.(179)
Equisetum arvense.(134)
Foeniculum vulgare.(179)