Ayurveda Herbal Therapies for Hair Loss

Ayurveda uses herbs in a variety of different ways to treat hair loss. Besides nutritional or supplemental forms, herbal extracts and essential oils can be used in specific external therapies. Some of the easiest to try at home include:
Nasya. Nose drops with slightly warm herbal medicated oil is dripped into the nostrils (while lying down with feet elevated and head lowered) one at a time and sniffed up while holding the other one closed.174
Pratimarsha. Nose drops (1-3 drops per nostril) are taken in through the nose and expelled through mouth.174
Head Oil Therapies. Soak cloth wrapped around the head with the dosha appropriate oil.174
Scalp Massage. A randomized, controlled clinical study involving patients with alopecia areata indicated that 44% of those who massaged essential oils of thyme, rosemary, lavender, or cedarwood (in a carrier oil of jojoba and grape seed) showed significant hair regrowth in compared to those who only used the placebo carrier oil. Results were measured by photographic assessment and computerized analysis of regrowth areas, and regrowth was very good to excellent in a sizeable number of those with positive response (including one patient with severe hair loss). Considering that conventional treatment methods involving diphencyprone and psoralen with or without UVA irradiation produces results in 38% (or less) of alopecia areata patients, massaging aromatherapy essential oils into the scalp may be a better natural option.264
Just as in most things Ayurveda, herbal therapies should work with your dosha. Some herbs, however, are good choices for treating hair loss that work with all three. Herbal oils that work for all doshas are:
Eclipta alba is called the ruler of hair in Hindi and is the main herb for treating hair conditions.
Two ways to try:
Also known as gotu kola and Indian Pennywort, this herb helps keep the adrenal gland healthy, especially important to control the hormones that affect hair loss. Can be used as oil or taken as a supplement. | |
Use sesame oil as a base in topical medicated oils. Sesame oil is considered rejuvenative and romsanjanana in Ayurveda—a characteristic that promotes hair growth. |
More dosha-specific herbal choices to treat thinning hair are outlined below:
Vata (V) |