Information and Solutions for Men and Women


Aloe juice may help regrow hair.

Juice and gel from Aloe (Aloe vera; Aloe barbadensis) may help treat alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia types of hair loss. 135, 140

Physiological Effects and Benefits of Aloe

  • Consuming aloe juice induced hair growth in only a week of treatment in three patients with alopecia areata type hair loss. Studies suggest that it may work by enhancing immune system functioning. 140
  • Aloe contains beta-sitosterol, which study evidence indicates has hair-promoting properties. 234
  • For nutritional support aloe offers nutrients crucial to hair health — vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and the essential minerals copper, iron, niacin, and zinc235
  • Fresh aloe gel also has the powerful antioxidants glutathione peroxidase and vitamin E234
  • In lab and animal studies aloe has shown collagen-increasing, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting effects — all helpful for healthy hair. 135, 235
  • Clinical trials show that topical aloe is effective in treating some inflammatory skin conditions and can help reverse oxidative damage from ultraviolet radiation135


People with hypothyroid -related hair loss may want to avoid oral consumption of aloe juice, however, since it reportedly can significantly decrease thyroid hormone levels. 235

Oral consumption of aloe is not advised for pregnant or lactating women. 234

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