
Grapes (Vitis vinifera) and grape seeds may be beneficial for all types of hair loss, but may be particularly helpful for telogen effluvium and cicatricial alopecia types of hair loss. Other than as a food (fruit, juice, or grape seed oil), grapes and grape seed extracts can also be found as oral supplements. 135
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Grape
- Grape seeds, fruit, skins, and even grape leaves contain high levels of beneficial antioxidant flavonoids such as quercetin, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) polymers, resveratrol, tannins, and fruit acids. 135
- Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties—particularly helpful in cases of folliculitis decalvans, a type of cicatricial (permanent) hair loss that is prone to bacterial infections. 79
- Grapes can help block free radical damage that contributes to hair loss. The OPCs in grape seeds and grape seed extracts are particularly potent antioxidants — 50 times stronger than vitamin A and vitamin C. 135
- Helps regulate the immune system response. 135
- OPCs stimulate terminal hairs to move from telogen to anagen growth phase. 135
- Grape seed oil is rich in linoleic acid, a vital nutrient for hair. It can be used for cooking, as a supplement, and as a carrier oil for other essential herbal extracts and applied topically or used in other aromatherapy options. 37
Note: Be careful to avoid consuming too much grape juice and grapes if you are diabetic because of the sugar content. 37
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