Information and Solutions for Men and Women

Chaste Tree

Flowers from chaste tree are recommended for pitta doshas.

Chaste tree (Vitex negundo) is also known as Nirguṇḍī. When taken as an oral supplement (3-5 grams, 2-3 x day) may help treat androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium62

Physiological Effects and Benefits of Chaste Tree

  • Although the roots and flowers of chaste tree are used, in Ayurveda, flowers are recommended for pitta doshas. 174
  • Ayurveda experts advise that vata dosha types should avoid chaste tree and kapha doshas should not use excessively. 174
  • Good for syphilitic skin disorders.174
  • Contains beta-sitosterol, which has both anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties. 62


Do not use chaste tree with antidepressant, antipsychotic. or progesterogenic drugs. 62

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