Eclipta Alba

Known in Ayurveda as (bhŗṅgarāja and bhringraj, Eclipta albacan be applied topically as a hair tonic (prepared as an ointment or 2-3 teaspoons of fresh herbal juice); 2-3 times daily. E. alba may help treat alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia, and telogen effluvium types of hair loss.
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Eclipta Alba
- Similar to dandelion, E. alba is an herb recommended to treat hair loss topically — particularly if associated with an inflammatory, itchy scalp condition. 62
- In an animal study with Japā flowers and valerian, topical E. alba performed better than 2% minoxidil. 243
- Lab and animal research show E. alba enlarges hair follicles and prolongs the anagen (growth) phase of hair. 223
- Contains coumestan derivatives, plant biochemicals reported to have estrogenic effects. 242
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Eclipta alba is a member of the Asteraceae family.