Pantothenic Acid

Also known as vitamin B5, the recommended dosage of pantothenic acid is 50/100 mg/day. 222
Dietary Sources of Pantothenic Acid
- Avocados 222
- Broccoli 229
- Cauliflower 229
- Eggs 229
- Fish 222
- Legumes 222
- Liver 229
- Mushrooms (especially crimini) 229
- Oranges 222
- Strawberries 229
- Sunflower seeds 229
- Tomatoes 229
- Turnip greens 229
- Whole grains 222
- Winter squash 229
- Yeast 222
- Yogurt 229
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Pantothenic Acid
- Required for fatty acid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism, as well as normal endothelial functioning.
51, 222 - Supports healthy adrenal gland functioning. 222
- Nutritional deficiency in pantothenic acid can cause hair loss. 47
- May help alleviate symptoms of stress and depression. 37
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If you have hypothyroidism, avoid eating raw and limit cooked servings to no more than 3 per week because it contains a substance that inhibits thyroid function.